
The Fishers Peak State Park Project Team is holding a variety of interest group discussions to engage governmental and non-governmental organizations and businesses with direct knowledge and expertise for the project. The purpose of these discussions is twofold: (1) to enable interest groups to share ideas, expertise, and thoughts on opportunities and challenges related to the park and (2) to build relationships between the project team and interest groups for the Master Plan process. The project team anticipates meeting with the interest groups in the first quarter of 2021 and following up with participants throughout the duration of the Master Plan. 

We ask governmental and non-governmental organizations and businesses to please fill out the linked questionnaire to help the Project Team place your group in the appropriate interest group discussion.

Interest group discussion participants play an important role in the input structure for Fishers Peak. Along with surveys and public engagement, interest groups will provide strategies for the project team to consider. Work Group members, consisting of representatives from the five partner organizations, will synthesize these strategies for decision-making by the Project Leadership Team and final approval by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

For members of the public looking to participate in the planning process, a detailed public survey will be sent in the coming months to capture additional interests and challenges as it relates to the Park.

To view the Vision and Focus Areas For Fishers Peak State Park, please click here.


Or click here for a

printable version of the questionnaire